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Mastering customer retention: Connect with your subscribers for life

Customer engagement and retention strategies throughout the user journey

Over the past few years, the subscription market has undergone unprecedented growth. However, subscription providers continue to struggle with customer churn. That’s why retention marketers need to be laser-focused on the best ways to keep customers engaged and build long-term customer lifetime value. After all the time and energy spent on acquiring new subscribers, the last thing subscription businesses want is for subscribers to turn into one-time customers. Customers canceling after subsidized trials and jumping ship to a competitor? That’s a retention manager’s worst nightmare.

At successful subscription companies, everyone is a retention manager. This actionable eBook presents a wealth of customer engagement and retention strategies. Topics include:

  • Connecting customers to the business through the subscription value chain
  • Understanding active and passive churn
  • Ten strategies to proactively minimize churn
  • Tracking subscriber data to increase retention

Download this valuable eBook today. You’ll learn data-driven insights and marketing strategies to help you win long-lasting relationships with your subscribers.